“The Full Light Of Day, written by Daniel Brooks and directed by Kim Collier, which premiered in January at the Playhouse Theatre in Vancouver, will be playing this sumnmer in Toronto on The Canadian Stage from June 7th to June 13th. Here is a link for info:
“The Full Light Of Day, written by Daniel Brooks and directed by Kim Collier, which premiered in January at the Playhouse Theatre in Vancouver, will be playing this sumnmer in Toronto on The Canadian Stage from June 7th to June 13th. Here is a link for info:
The Full Light of Day tells the story of Mary, an aging matriarch in a wealthy Canadian family. As she approaches the end of her life, Mary is forced to contend with her husband’s legacy and the misdeeds that brought her family money, privilege and prestige. A new film/theatre hybrid from the same company behind 12.13’s groundbreaking Tear the Curtain!